星期五, 18 10 月, 2024

Eat at Chez PB: How to store fresh vegetables to keep them fresh and reduce wastage – What worked for me and what did not


1. Introduction
During the lockdown, I have been cooking at home more often, which means buying more fresh vegetables. But I found that I was wasting a lot of them because I didn’t know how to store them properly. So I decided to do some research and share what I learned with you.

2. Vegetable categories and storage methods
There are mainly four categories of vegetables: leafy vegetables, root vegetables,瓜果 vegetables, and mushroom vegetables. Each category has different storage requirements.

2.1 Leafy vegetables
Most leafy vegetables are cold-loving and suitable for storage at 0-2 °C, but should not be lower than 0 °C. They are prone to spoilage and nutrient loss. Make sure to wrap them in plastic bags and do not put them close to the wall of the refrigerator to avoid freezing. It is best not to store them for more than 3 days.

2.2 Root vegetables
Root vegetables are relatively easy to store because they have lower water content. Examples include potatoes, carrots, radishes, onions, and cabbage. They can be stored for up to 7 days by removing the soil from the surface, covering them with plastic wrap, and placing them in the refrigerator or a cool, ventilated area of the house.

2.3瓜果 vegetables
Some examples of瓜果 vegetables are tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and cucumbers. These vegetables can usually be stored at low temperatures for 4-5 days. Tomatoes are best not stored in the refrigerator. For vegetables that are prone to spoilage due to surface moisture, such as peas and beans, it is best to dry the surface moisture before storing them in the refrigerator. For warm-loving vegetables like pumpkins, it is recommended to store them at 10 °C, not lower than 8 °C. These vegetables are not suitable for storage in the refrigerator and have a shelf life of about 5 days.

2.4 Mushroom vegetables
The shelf life of fresh mushroom vegetables is relatively short, about 3-4 days in the refrigerator. It is recommended to dry the surface moisture before storing them in the refrigerator.

3. Conclusion
Proper storage of fresh vegetables is essential to maintain their quality and reduce waste. By categorizing vegetables and following the appropriate storage methods for each category, we can延长 their shelf life and enjoy fresh and nutritious vegetables every day. I hope these tips are helpful to you and let me know if you have any other questions or suggestions.


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